Read and Reflect

My articles reflect my opinions, nonetheless I try to stay open minded and I stimulate you to do your own thinking.

Finance Jan Siebenga Finance Jan Siebenga

Is the Euro Dead?

The unsavory Euro project started with the Stability Pact in the 1992 Maastricht Treaty. The Euro was introduced the first of January 2002; almost twenty years later, it is time to end the experiment and say goodbye to the Euro.

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Finance Jan Siebenga Finance Jan Siebenga

Bitcoin, Bancor, SDR, and the Triffin Dilemma

The Triffin dilemma, or Triffin´s paradox, was first described by the economist Robert Triffin in 1959. He described the dilemma that arises when a nation´s currency also serves as the international reserve currency, i.e., the U.S. dollar $. This situation creates differing objectives between short-term domestic policies and long-term international policies. To solve this dilemma, the international reserve currency should not be a nation´s currency. The IMF has proposed different solutions like the Bancor, but none of these solutions have been able to replace the USD. A decentralized currency like Bitcoin could offer a solution.

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Finance Jan Siebenga Finance Jan Siebenga

4 Things You Should Know About the New European Green Deal: It’s a Hard Rain’s a-Going to Fall

Ursula von der Leyen has told us, Europeans have already decided (I can´t remember that Europeans were asked this specifically, maybe I just missed it…). They want to make the EU climate neutral by 2050. Emissions will be cut by at least 55% by 2030 while promising economic growth and the creation of jobs. And a fair and just transition for all Europeans is ensured. These are all wonderful words spoken by a politician, so let us look at what these words will have for real-life consequences.

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Finance Jan Siebenga Finance Jan Siebenga

Why BTC Will Survive CBDCs

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will eventually kill Bitcoin, Edward Chancellor (a financial historian, journalist, and investment strategist) believes. I don´t think so…

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Finance Jan Siebenga Finance Jan Siebenga

Death of Mcafee and Drowning Death of Bitcoin Billionaire: Lessons to Be Learned

Owning Bitcoins will not save you from death. We have to deal with the fact that we will die, but there is a little more to deal with if you own BTC. In contrast with other assets, the problem with BTC is that if you die and no one has the key to your BTC´s or wallet, your BTCs will be lost forever. What measures can you take to avoid losing your BTC when you would unexpectedly die?

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Finance Jan Siebenga Finance Jan Siebenga

If You Think the Energy Use of Bitcoin Is a Problem, You Do Not Understand BTC

Some FUD never dies, and one of these stories is the story that we are cooking the oceans with Bitcoin (BTC). Especially after Elon Musk announced that Tesla would not accept BTC payments anymore because of BTC’s alleged energy use. This idea is not new and certainly not original, and it keeps coming up time after time. So how much truth is there in this story?

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Finance Jan Siebenga Finance Jan Siebenga

The Trap of Digital Currencies and How Bitcoin Can Save You

Digital currencies are the digital version of the dollar, euro, yen, or whatever national valuta. The phrase `central bank digital currency´ has been used to refer to various proposals involving digital currency issued by a central bank. Central bank digital currencies (CBDC) are also called digital fiat currencies or digital base money. CBDCs are directly inspired by Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, but CBDC is different from virtual currency and cryptocurrency, because CBDC´s are issued by the state and are centralized. It gives the government tremendous control over your money.

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Finance, Society Jan Siebenga Finance, Society Jan Siebenga

Universal Basic Income, How To Sleepwalk Yourself Into Serfdom. Part III: Digital Currencies, Total Control

In part II, I discussed that a UBI would increase the government’s power over us, the people. One aspect which has not been discussed yet is when we combine the UBI with digital currencies. Digital currencies are the digital version of the dollar, euro, yen, or whatever national valuta. The phrase `central bank digital currency´ has been used to refer to various proposals involving digital currency issued by a central bank.

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Finance, Society Jan Siebenga Finance, Society Jan Siebenga

Universal Basic Income, How To Sleepwalk Yourself Into Serfdom. Part II: Government: The Hand That Feeds and Takes

A welfare state by any other name is still a welfare state. And the UBI is just replacing one pricey system for another. And unlike the current welfare state, which has standards for determining who qualifies for specific aid, a UBI would be given to everyone. This would dramatically increase the pool of citizens receiving benefits from the government and inflict massive expenses across the board. It will increase the government´s power.

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Finance, Society Jan Siebenga Finance, Society Jan Siebenga

Universal Basic Income, How to Sleepwalk Yourself Into Serfdom. Part I: Robotics Will NOT Make Us Jobless

Whoever thinks that a Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a good idea, please think twice. Who pays you has power over you. If the government pays you, the government has power over you. It would be very naïve to think your government is going to give you money without compensation. Maybe you trust your government now, and your government is reliable, but who knows what government you will have in four years?

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Finance Jan Siebenga Finance Jan Siebenga

There Is No Financial Bubble, Hyperinflation Is Already Here

The money printer goes brrr, and the hyperinflation is hiding under our noses. Since the global financial crisis, 2007 — 2008, money is printed on an unknown scale. Initially, this was done to give us time to solve our financial markets’ problems, but that never happened. I will explain what is happening with the financial system now from my perspective and present it so that people without an economics degree also can understand what is happening. I restrict myself to the US and Europe, and nothing in this article should be used as investment advice.

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Psychology, Finance Jan Siebenga Psychology, Finance Jan Siebenga

The Four Emotions Traders Have to Deal With, Lessons For Us All

Stock trading is all about psychology and dealing with emotions. To be successful as a trader, you should be aware of these emotions because they influence your decisions, and if you are not aware of these emotions, they can lead to impaired judgment and decision making. Because these emotions are universal, there are lessons to be learned for us all.

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Finance, Society, Psychology Jan Siebenga Finance, Society, Psychology Jan Siebenga

It Is Good To Compromise, But Not In Any Situation

Nowadays, it feels like compromise is less accepted. The polarization seems more extreme, and people hold intractable positions. They think their ideas are superior, and therefore they are unwilling to listen, let alone change their position. To change their beliefs or views is a sign of weakness or a sign that you are not convinced enough.

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Finance, Society Jan Siebenga Finance, Society Jan Siebenga

Why We Need Win-Win Situations and How to Create Them

A win-win situation is a situation where none of the participants lose; all people involved benefit. This can be through compromise or cooperation and can be used in business, organization, and personal relationships. Instead of using domination and egoistic behavior, we look for cooperation, caring, and group success in win-win games.

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