How my journey began

A long journey it was. I am MD and PhD. This letters mean that I know something about medicine, and I did research and applied science. However, life is a little bit more complicated.

I started writing for Medium and learned a lot from that experience. Unfortunately, Medium decided to cancel me (COVID-19 censorship is real), and I had to find other ways to get my stories on the internet. Right now you are looking at the result.

Read and reflect, there are a lot of subjects I cover, and I am sure there is something you will like!


What People Are Saying


Thanks for this.


Hi Dr. Jan, thank you for being the herald of this. I look forward to more.



It is an excellent read. It is lucidly written, telling in detail the methodologies employed by the community of scientists to establish their hypotheses.


That is a strong one.

— Ольга Шатернік


What unexpected conclusions can be drawn from the obvious!


Thank you. I read through your series on time and it is extensive and informative.



Very in-depth article about the scientific method. You brought it down to an everyday understanding that I feel will resonate and educate readers.


Excellent. Thank you!

— Mr. SPOT


I follow this site, because the articles are about important and interesting topics. Even complex problems have an approach easy to follow, this way I can get a deeper understanding about things were out of my scope before. I never thought economy or philosophy can be this fun and interesting! :) My favorite aspect in general is the calm and neutral tone even on hot topics. I hope many others may come!


Good analysis, everything is sorted out on the shelves. As for the training of critical thinking, it is difficult and serious work.


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