Read and Reflect

My articles reflect my opinions, nonetheless I try to stay open minded and I stimulate you to do your own thinking.

COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

Pfizer Vaccine Got FDA Approved, so What?

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (Comirnaty) got FDA approval. Politicians and policymakers are tumbling over each other to stress that there now really is no excuse not to take the jab, and Biden is thrilled with this news because it distracts people from the terrible things happening in Afghanistan. But what is the real significance of this approval? Is the vaccine suddenly safe now?

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COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

Vaccine Fanatics Have Achieved More Than The Anti-vaxxers Have Ever Been Able To Do

Coercing people to get COVID-19 vaccines is damaging trust In public health: states Harvard Professor Kulldorf, one of the world’s leading epidemiologists. There is mounting pressure on people to get vaccinated, and mandatory vaccination is discussed and implemented. But, aside from the long-term implications this can give, some collateral damage is already showing.

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COVID, Society Jan Siebenga COVID, Society Jan Siebenga

Ausweis Bitte!!! (Pass, please!!!) Do We Really Want to Go Back There With the COVID-19 or Green Pass?

First, a disclaimer, this article is written with the utmost respect to the suffering of especially the Jews in World War 2. This remains one of the darkest pages in modern history, and the suffering that has been caused in this war is beyond comprehension. This suffering was not only experienced by Jews, but by gypsies, gays, mental diseased, civilians, soldiers etc. It is still hard to grasp and to realize how many people have been influenced by this. It is easy to say that this only happened because there were evil people. However, we have to face the truth, the second World War was caused by ordinary people making ordinary choices, but which led step by step to this horrific period. It is about the road that led us there. I use this example not because I think we are already there but because I want to prevent that we end up in a similar situation. This never again.

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COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

The Upcoming COVID-19 Vaccines You Should Wait For

It is like a bad dream, but within 1.5 years, we have reached the stage that governments are discussing mandatory vaccination. Millions and millions of people have already been vaccinated, and some of them have paid a high price by getting very severe side effects, or even by dying from the new mRNA vaccines. In this article, I will discuss what the problems are with the mRNA vaccines and what to do if you don´t want to be vaccinated with one of these mRNA vaccines.

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COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

The COVID Vaccine Can Make You Very Sick, And Now We Know Why

Introducing a vaccine against COVID-19, which literally makes our own cells produce the antigen (something that triggers an immune response, in this case, the spike protein), already sounded like a terrible idea. Now more and more data pours out, which confirms that this was really a bad idea.

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COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

The COVID-19 Numbers No One Talks About

We are more than a year in the COVID crisis. A crisis caused by the reaction to a virus that has an infection fatality rate of 0.23%. (Ioannidis , 2021) There are so many aspects of this man-made crisis that deserve deep analysis, and a lot has already been written about this, but there is one number that is overlooked and used in the wrong way, and it is in plain sight.

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COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

Why Virologists Are NOT Our New Heroes

What is a virologist? A virologist is a professional who studies the growth, development, structure, and characteristics of different viruses. He isolates and makes cultures of significant viruses in a standard inhibitory medium. He will identify different viruses via microscopic examination of the morphological, physical, and cultural traits. He also observes the action of a particular virus upon living tissues of plants and animals. A virologist also makes chemical analyses of various substances, like acids, enzymes, and alcohol released by viruses on organic matter.

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COVID, Psychology, Society Jan Siebenga COVID, Psychology, Society Jan Siebenga

How To Recognize That You Are Being Brainwashed

Brainwashing, isn´t that old skool tactics used a long time ago? Well, maybe not… `May you live in interesting times` is a Chinese curse. To be exact, `Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos.´ (寧為太平犬,不做亂世人). I guess not many would disagree that we are living in very interesting times now. How do you keep your sanity and balance of mind if everything around you is trying to push you out of balance? One of the things you can do is to try to see through things and recognize patterns and tricks used on you. In this story, I will talk about brainwashing. I hope it will make you curious and you will learn something from it.

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COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

Why Mandatory Vaccination Is a Very Bad Idea

Everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity. The principle of bodily integrity sums up the right of each human being to autonomy and self-determination. Unconsented physical intrusion is a human rights violation. Practices that violate your bodily integrity include all forms of physical violence, ranging from corporal punishment to forced medical treatment. With regard to forced vaccination, this can be through making it direct mandatory, but it can also be forced indirectly by demanding vaccination if you want to fly or go to a football match, for example. I will discuss some aspects considering the problems concerning direct and indirect mandatory vaccination.

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COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

COVID-19 is the New Cult

COVID-19 is the new cult, without the religious aspect. COVID-19 is real, but how we deal with it starts looking like cult-like behavior. There are some unsettling similarities between elements of a cult and how we deal with COVID-19. Read this story, compare the situation with what you see and experience in your own life, and see if you can recognize the similarities.

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COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

Before You Take the COVID-19 Vaccine, Read This, It Will Blow Your Mind!

Everyone has to draw their conclusion to take the vaccine or not, but a balanced decision can only be made if someone is well informed. I hope that this article sheds more light on this specific type of COVID-19 vaccine and make it possible for you to make a better decision. It also shows that there are positive sides and negative sides concerning vaccines; therefore, vaccines should never be mandatory.

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COVID Jan Siebenga COVID Jan Siebenga

COVID-19, It Is Not the Virus That Is Killing Us

We are more than half a year in this COVID-19 situation, and it looks like we are not at the end of it yet. Is it the killer virus we expected it to be? What have we learned? Or did we learn anything at all? What are the consequences of all the measures governments have taken?

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