Ausweis Bitte!!! (Pass, please!!!) Do We Really Want to Go Back There With the COVID-19 or Green Pass?

Ausweis Bitte Screenshot 2021-07-26 125435.jpg

First, a disclaimer, this article is written with the utmost respect to the suffering of especially the Jews in World War 2. This remains one of the darkest pages in modern history, and the suffering that has been caused in this war is beyond comprehension. This suffering was not only experienced by Jews, but by gypsies, gays, mental diseased, civilians, soldiers etc. It is still hard to grasp and to realize how many people have been influenced by this. It is easy to say that this only happened because there were evil people. However, we have to face the truth, the second World War was caused by ordinary people making ordinary choices, but which led step by step to this horrific period. It is about the road that led us there. I use this example not because I think we are already there but because I want to prevent that we end up in a similar situation. This never again.

Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.

Edmund Burke

Nuremberg Laws And Other Legislation

After the Nazis seized power in 1933, the Nuremberg Laws were enacted in 1935. It consisted of a law for the protection of German blood and a law for German Honour. One of the consequences was that only people of German blood could be Reich citizen, and another example was that Jewish households could not employ German women under 45. If you could not prove that you were of German blood, you were classed as state subjects without any citizenship rights. These laws were quickly expanded to include not only Jews but also Romani and black people. These people were defined as `enemies of the race-based state.´

The Nuremberg Law was not the start of race-based policies. In 1933 Hitler declared a national boycott of Jewish businesses, and a law was introduced that banned non-Aryans from legal professions and civil service. Jewish citizens were harassed and subjected to violent attacks. They were actively suppressed, stripped of their citizenship and civil rights, and eventually completely removed from German society. Non-Jews gradually stopped socializing with Jews or shopping in Jewish-owned stores, many of which closed due to a lack of customers. As Jews were no longer permitted to work in the civil service or government-regulated professions such as medicine and education, many middle-class business owners and professionals were forced to take menial employment. Jewish businesses were denied access to markets, forbidden to advertise in newspapers, and deprived of access to government contracts. (Nuremberg Laws, 2021)

First of all, they came to take the gypsies
and I was happy because they pilfered.
Then they came to take the Jews and I said nothing,
because they were unpleasant to me.
Then they came to take homosexuals,
and I was relieved, because they were annoying me.
Then they came to take the Communists,
and I said nothing because I was not a Communist.
One day they came to take me,
and there was nobody left to protest.

Berthold Brecht ( inspired by Emil Gustav Friedrich Martin Niemöller)

The Nuremberg Laws were not the only legislation that made life for non-Aryans hard. In 1933 the Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseased Offspring was also passed. This law made it possible for compulsory sterilization of people with a range of hereditary, physical, and mental illnesses. Comparable to this law was the Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals, which could force criminals to undergo sterilization. This law was also used to sterilize `social misfits´ in prison and the concentration camps. This could be unemployed people, prostitutes, beggars, alcoholics, homeless people, `feeble minded´, black people, and Romani or gypsies. Romani were first labeled as `anti-social´ elements of society (1929), but in 1938 Himmler issued an order to categorize Romani in terms of their Roma ancestry as racial characteristic. In 1938, public health authorities were ordered to register all Roma and Roma bastards. This was followed by sterilization and deportation of Roma.

Emigration was also problematic, as Jews were required to remit up to 90% of their wealth as a tax upon leaving the country. By 1938 it was almost impossible for potential Jewish emigrants to find a country willing to take them. Mass deportation schemes such as the Madagascar Plan proved to be impossible for the Nazis to carry out, and starting in mid-1941, the German government started mass exterminations of the Jews of Europe. (Nuremberg Laws, 2021)

Arier Nachweis (Aryan Certificate)

After the Nuremberg laws, German society was divided into racial and social groups. This made that individuals were subject of identity and identification and were in practice the target of policing and enforcement. Even if we look beyond collective systems like the population census or the collection of statistics, which have received the lion’s share of attention, numbers and the technologies of recording and classification have been studied more than the papers and policing that constituted the direct interface between the individual and the authorities. Who was who in Nazi Germany was notoriously a matter of life and death. (Caplan, 2013)

In 1938, Jews with first names of non-Jewish origin had to add `Israel´ (males) or `Sara´ (females) to their names, and a large letter `J´ was to be printed on their passports. Jewish children were banned from going to state-run schools. The use of the yellow star was started in 1939, in occupied Polish territory.


The Aryan pass was used from 1933 to 1945. It was proof that you were `clean´ and from Aryan blood. This pass was mandatory for members of the SS, officials, public service, doctors, lawyers, scientists of German universities, resettled and newly naturalized people’s German. This was the start of the division between German citizens and non-citizens, whereby non-citizen actually meant that you didn´t have any civil rights. Aryan certificates were also required for professional associations, the culture chamber for all artists, many companies, and part of the churches, as an access requirement for employment, and the NSDAP for admission as a party member.

To prove that you were of Aryan descent, you had to present seven birth certificates, of you, your parents, and your four grandparents, as well as three marriage certificates (parents and grandparents). These had to officially be certified by pastors, civil servants, or archive keepers. Subsequently, a certified ancestral passport (Ahnenpass) or a certified pedigree (Ahnentafel) could be presented.

Pages in an Aryan certificate

Pages in an Aryan certificate

Hereby this pass became a very useful tool for the National Socialist regime. The civil rights of non-Aryans were taken away step by step. In most cases, non-Aryans lost their job and usually could not return to work or had to accept low esteemed work. After June 1941, if you did not have this pass, you could get deported, be put into ghettos, or end up in the concentration camps.

In this regard, it is very despicable what Bill Gates wrote in one of his editorials. Gates concludes with a comparison to World War II, stating that said conflict was a `defining moment of our parents’ generation´ as the COVID-19 pandemic is to ours, implying that the changes taking place now are comparable to the Allied forces’ defeat of the Third Reich. (Gates, 2020) Except, of course, that immunity passports or digital health certificates sound exactly like Arier Nachweis or Aryan pass. Hard to argue against the idea that a universal health passport is nothing less than the ultimate fulfillment of that dystopian nightmare

All In The Name Of Public Health

The beforementioned is hard to imagine in our society. It goes against all ethical ideas we have and universal human rights. If you imagine what happened then, it could send chills down your spine. How could ordinary people end up with this kind of behavior? Were they in a mass psychosis? It took Hitler only eight years to go from `Arier nachweis´ to the concentration camps. We went from `No, don´t worry, vaccination will never be mandatory` to `Without vaccination, you will not be allowed to public spaces` within 1.5 years. In 1933, who could oppose `hygiene´, who could oppose `order´, who could oppose striving for a healthier society with a healthy population? It all makes sense, doesn´t it? Well, let´s see what this led to.

In democratic societies, the needs of public health sometimes require citizens to make sacrifices for the greater good, but in Nazi Germany, national or public health, Volksgesundheit, took complete precedence over individual health care. Physicians and medically trained academics, many of whom were proponents of `racial hygiene,´ or eugenics, legitimized and helped to implement Nazi policies aiming to ´cleanse´ German society of people viewed as biologic threats to the nation’s health. (Bachrach, 2004)

Germany had to cope with rapid industrialization and urbanization. This created overcrowded cities with poverty and crime. There was the spread of tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and other contagious diseases. There was also a growing number of persons identified by psychiatrists as mentally ill or retarded. These changes coincided with a blossoming of medical research and the establishment of dozens of new institutes and laboratories. And there were breakthroughs in bacteriology and the emerging field of genetics. These seemed to promise biological and medical solutions to Germany’s problems. Physicians and medical researchers began to view themselves as the guides to a healthy, moral, industrious Germany. Some physicians and biologists who supported eugenics had to accommodate themselves to Nazism’s anti-Semitism. But in return for accepting the persecution of Jews as a source of biologic degeneration, many in the medical community welcomed the new emphasis on biology and heredity, increased research funding, and new career opportunities, including openings created by the purge of Jews and leftists from the medical and public health fields. (Bachrach, 2004)

In 1927, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, an organization that concentrated on physical and social anthropology as well as human genetics, was founded in Berlin with significant financial support from the American philanthropic group, the Rockefeller Foundation. German professor of medicine, anthropology, and eugenics Eugen Fischer was the director of this organization, a man whose work helped provide the scientific basis for the Nazis’ eugenics, or race hygiene policies. To catch the atmosphere in that time, this is a statement by California eugenics leader C. M. Goethe upon returning from Germany in 1934:

You will be interested to know that your work has played a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals who are behind Hitler in this epoch-making program. Everywhere I sensed that their opinions have been tremendously stimulated by American thought… I want you, my dear friend, to carry this thought with you for the rest of your life that you have really jolted into action a great government of 60 million people.

In 1936, Laughlin was invited to an award ceremony at Heidelberg University in Germany (scheduled on the anniversary of Hitler’s 1934 purge of Jews from the Heidelberg faculty) to receive an honorary doctorate for his work on the `science of racial cleansing´. Due to financial limitations, Laughlin was unable to attend the ceremony and had to pick it up from the Rockefeller Institute. Afterward, he proudly shared the award with his colleagues, remarking that he felt that it symbolized the common understanding of German and American scientists of the nature of eugenics. (Nazi eugenics, 2021)

To reach racial hygiene, compulsory sterilizations and extermination of the Untermenschen (or `sub-humans´) was used. These policies targeted peoples, in particular Jews, as well as Gypsies, homosexuals and handicapped people, ethnic Poles, and Russians who were labeled as `inferior´ in a racial hierarchy that placed the Herrenvolk (or `master race´) of the Volksgemeinschaft (or `national community´) at the top, and ranked Russians, Romani, Serbs, Poles,Blacks and Jews at the bottom. The same techniques which are used now were also used then; blaming poverty, hyperinflation, and loss of jobs on non-Aryans.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

John Ray

Eugenics was not only used by the National-Socialists. Eugenics research in Germany before and during the Nazi period was similar to that in the United States (particularly California), by which it had been heavily inspired. In the United States, eugenicists helped to pass sterilization laws in many states, and before 1933, German racial hygienists cited this experience to bolster their own proposals for a sterilization law. Between 1907 and 1945, 40,000 eugenic sterilization operations were recorded in the United States, half of them in California, where patients in state mental hospitals were the main targets. Sterilization laws were also introduced in the western Canadian provinces, certain Swiss cantons, and Scandinavia. (Bachrach, 2004) Those targeted for destruction under Nazi eugenics policies were largely living in private and state-operated institutions, identified as `life unworthy of life´ (Lebensunwertes Leben), including prisoners, degenerates, dissidents, people with congenital cognitive and physical disabilities, epileptic, schizophrenic, manic-depressive, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, deaf, blind, homosexual, insane, and the weak, for elimination from the chain of heredity. This was done under Aktion T4, a euthanasia program. Estimates are that more than 400,000 people were forced to be sterilized, and up to 300,000 people were killed under akt T4. (Nazi eugenics, 2021)

Another remarkable similarity with the idea of a universal health passport is; that in 1934 in Hamburg, doctors gave information into a Central Health Passport Archive, under something called the ‘Health-Related Total Observation of Life.’ This file contained reports from doctors, but also courts, insurance companies, sports clubs, the Hitler Youth, the military, the labor service, colleges, etc. Any institution that gave information would get information back in return. In 1940, the Reich Interior Ministry tried to impose a Hamburg-style system on the whole Reich

Where are we now?

The consequences of mandatory vaccination so far, not an extensive list because rules are changing very rapidly (July 2021):

1. Unvaccinated children are not allowed to go to school. (France and proposal in different countries)

2. Unvaccinated people are not allowed to work in health care. (France, Italy, Greece, UK, Hungary, some states in the USA)

3. Unvaccinated people are not allowed in public spaces. (proposal in different countries)

4. Unvaccinated people are prohibited from entering some countries. (Norway)

5. Unvaccinated people cannot visit care homes. (UK)

6. Unvaccinated people cannot do border work. (New Zealand)

7. Unvaccinated people are blamed for the economic recession caused by the COVID measures.

8. Unvaccinated people are blamed for new lock-downs.

9. Unvaccinated people cannot work for the Federal government. (proposal USA)

10. Unvaccinated people cannot be a firefighter (France)

11. Washington Post will have mandatory vaccination for its journalists. (USA)

12. Unvaccinated people cannot work in retirement homes. (France, Australia)

13. If unvaccinated, you need to show a negative PCR test for things like restaurants, cinemas, theaters, traveling by long-distance trains and planes. (Italy, Netherlands, France, and other countries)

14. Unvaccinated cannot work for the Department of Veteran Affairs. (USA)

15. Unvaccinated cannot work for Google or FaceBook.

16. Unvaccinated people are not allowed in enclosed spaces, such as movie theaters and indoor sections of bars and restaurants. (Greece)

17. Information that questions the COVID-19 vaccine or puts attention to severe side effects is removed from social media (like FaceBook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube), and there is active censorship.

18. If not vaccinated, you could get a fine. (Galicia, Spain)

19. The names of Spaniards who refuse to take the vaccine will be documented in a special register. This list will be shared with the European Union and its 27 member states. (Spain)

20. Multiple countries are working on legislation to make COVID-vaccination mandatory, and being unvaccinated will ban you from public spaces under penalty of high fines.


I can understand that you are thinking, well, this is grossly exaggerated. And there is nothing more that I hope will be true and that what I wrote down now will look ridiculous in another year. I wrote in January about mandatory vaccination, and a lot of people thought that was an exaggeration, but look where we are now. In 1933, nobody in Germany would think that the Nuremberg Laws would lead to the mass extermination of the Jews. It is like cooking frogs, it goes with little steps, and with each step, people will say, well, it could be worse… Until it is too late. We are dancing on the edge of a volcano.

Interesting Links:

COVID-19, It Is Not the Virus That Is Killing Us

Why Mandatory Vaccination Is a Very Bad Idea

COVID-19 is the New Cult

How To Recognize That You Are Being Brainwashed


Bachrach, S. (2004, July 29). Eugenics — In the Name of Public Health — Nazi Racial Hygiene. N Eng J Med, 352, 417–420.

Caplan, J. (2013). ‘Ausweis Bitte!’ Identity and Identification in Nazi Germany. In I. About, J. Brown, & G. Lonergan, Identification and Registration Practices in Transnational Perspective (pp. 224–242). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gates, B. (2020, April 23). The First Modern Pandemic. The Scientific Advances We Need To Stop COVID-19. Retrieved from GatesNotes — The Blog of Bill Gates:

Nazi eugenics. (2021, July 14). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

Nuremberg Laws. (2021, July 14). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

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