COVID-19 and the Spike Protein, Man-Made After All?

Spike protein

Spike protein

I am not a conspiracy theorist, and the idea that COVID-19 was man-made at the start of the `pandemic´ in 2019 sounded too far-fetched to me. But we always have to be aware that we are under the influence of cognitive dissonancethe media, or simply the fact that we can be wrong and do not know everything. Currently, more and more data is coming out, which should make us rethink and take the idea that COVID-19 is man-made serious.

How Did the Pandemic Start?

How the pandemic started is important because it shows how the Wuhan Institute of Virology is involved. In November 2019, three researchers of the Wuhan Institute of Virology were hospitalized because they were ill. End December 2019, Beijing announces that there is an unknown pneumonia in Wuhan, and in January, they make the genome of the virus public. In January, the first virus death is reported, a man who worked at the wet market in Wuhan. China confirms human-human transmission and puts Wuhan in lockdown end of January. At this moment, all relevant biological material, computer records, and testimonies from the Wuhan lab are destroyed or unavailable.

Wuhan Institute of Virology, What Research Do They Do?

One kind of research that is performed in Wuhan is gain of function research. This research involves altering a virus or pathogen to study new diseases and their transmission. In general, these viruses are made more infectious so that they can replicate better in human cells to make research easier and their effects better understood. Altered viruses can be used in research for cancer treatment or treatment of other diseases (as the mRNA vaccine), but they can also be used in a `bad` way as with most techniques. This involves the development and use of viruses as a biological weapon. Gain of function research was halted in 2014 in the USA, but at least one grant of $600,000 is known to be paid to the Wuhan Institute to study how bat coronaviruses could be transmitted to humans.

Fingerprints All Over the Place

The spike protein has six inserts which are unique fingerprints. These fingerprints have features that indicate purposive manipulation. That this happened through a natural process is very unlikely. Dalgleish and Sørensen put it even stronger; they conclude that SARS-Coronavirus-2 has no credible natural ancestor, and it is beyond reasonable doubt that the virus was created through laboratory manipulation. (Boswell, 2021)

As a modern Sherlock Holmes and Watson, they have analyzed data from the Wuhan lab from 2002–2019. They looked at experiments, archives of journals, and databases. They discovered that the spike has six inserts which are unique fingerprints with five features indicative of purposive manipulation.

How to Build an `Improved´ Corona Virus

The scientists working in Wuhan took a natural coronavirus found in bats. They spliced this onto a new spike, and as a result of this, they made it into the highly transmissible SARS-Cov-2.

A Row of Four Positive Charged Amino Acids

One of the things which stand out is a row of four amino acids on the spike. These amino acids have a positive charge, making them very clingy to human cells, which are negatively charged. This helps the virus to cling to the cell and makes it consequently more infectious. As you might know, equal charges repel each other, so to find four positive charged amino acids in a row under natural conditions is extremely unlikely. Or, to put it in another way, according to the laws of physics, this is impossible and can only be made artificially. (Boswell, 2021)

ACE-2 Binding

ACE-2 is the protein that provides the entry point for the coronavirus to hook onto and infect human cells, while the spike protein is the part of the virus that binds to human cells. This virus binds more strongly to human ACE-2 enzymes than any other species, including bats. This binding to ACE-2 is a possible explanation for the clinical symptoms infected people develop. It may also be an explanation for the complications we see after receiving an mRNA vaccine that reproduces the spike protein. Zhengli Shi moved from the USA to the Wuhan lab after research regarding attaching a sequence coding for a spike protein that binds to human ACE-2 receptors. She had to move because at that time, 2015, gain of function research was forbidden in the USA. She became the head of the center for emerging infectious diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. ACE-2 is a protein that provides the entry point for the coronavirus to hook onto and infect human cells, while the spike protein is the part of the virus that binds to human cells.

Furin, That Sounds Very Unusual…

Researchers from the Nankai University showed that SARS-Cov-2 has a mutated gene similar to that found in HIV and Ebola. This section of mutated gene did not exist in SARS. This mutation makes the virus have a binding ability to the human cell, which is up to 1000 times stronger than the SARS virus. This makes it extremely infectious. The virus targets an enzyme called furin. Furin works as a protein activator in humans. It activates inactive proteins by `cutting´ them at a specific point, and this activates their various functions. The mutation can generate a structure known as a cleavage site in the new coronavirus’ spike protein. The virus uses this outreaching spike protein to hook on to the host cell, but usually, this protein is inactive. The cleavage site structure’s job is to trick the human furin protein, so it will cut and activate the spike protein and cause a ´direct fusion´ of the viral and cellular membranes. (Chen, 2020)

Such a mutation is very rare in evolution; the addition of such amino acids alone in the course of only 20 years is very unlikely. There are many reasons to believe that the COVID-19 generating SARS-CoV-2 was generated in a lab. Most probably by methods of genetic engineering. This is the only way an insertion like the FURIN protease cleavage site could have been introduced directly at the right place and become effective. it is even ´more unlikely´ that this insertion happened in exactly the right place of the cleavage site of the spike protein — which is where it would need to occur to make the virus more infectious (Dr. Ronen Shemesh) (Markson, 2020)


With this information, the hypothesis that SARS-Cov-2 is man-made and escaped through a lab accident cannot be dismissed. It is important that we keep looking for explanations and that we don´t dismiss hypotheses in advance. It is currently impossible to prove or disprove the other theories about its origin, and we should keep the discussion open.

Our insights about the virus and how these change over time show how important it is to have a free discussion and no censorship on the internet. A lot of the before-mentioned information was already known for a year. It is hard to tell how things would have gone if awareness of this would have risen earlier, but maybe it would have had a significant impact on how we handled this crisis.

Only through sharing knowledge and being able to discuss it openly can we make progress in our insights and test if the ideas we have are valid or not. The scientific cycle needs this. The last word about COVID-19 and its alleged man-made origin is not yet said, and new insights will come. This will be important to learn and can be used for future pandemics.

Interesting Links:

How You Keep Fooling Yourself: Cognitive Dissonance

Main Stream Media is Making Us Feel Bad

You Cannot Know What You Do Not Know: Dunning-Kruger Effect

The COVID Vaccine Can Make You Very Sick, And Now We Know Why

Your Idea About Science May Be Completely Wrong


Boswell, J. (2021, May 28). EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 ‘has NO credible natural ancestor’. Retrieved from Mail Online:

Chen, S. (2020, February 26). Coronavirus far more likely than Sars to bond to human cells due to HIV-like mutation, scientists say. Retrieved from South China Morning Post:

Markson, S. (2020, June 1). Scientists say COVID-19 may have been cooked up in lab. Retrieved from The Daily Telegraph:

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