Read and Reflect

My articles reflect my opinions, nonetheless I try to stay open minded and I stimulate you to do your own thinking.

Carnivore Jan Siebenga Carnivore Jan Siebenga

It Makes Perfect Sense That We Do Not Need Carbs

One of the aspects in which we have lost connection with our natural way of living is our food. We have turned to processed food, we use intensive agriculture, and we have moved far from the hunters we once were. In another article, I wrote about why we as humans eat meat. Now we will look at the three main components of food; carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. We can deduct what was natural for us from these three components and what made homo sapiens develop in such a unique way.

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Carnivore Jan Siebenga Carnivore Jan Siebenga

Why We Eat Meat

There are many ways to pick your diet. You can choose a diet because you want to lose weight, want to live healthy, have ethical grounds, or from a religious point of view. Another way of determining your diet is by looking at evolution, anatomy, and physiology. There is already enough information about nutrients and essential nutrients available, so I will not cover that in this article. This article is not about judging other choices; it offers just another perspective.

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