Do you want russia to win?

In surgery, it all comes down to whether to do surgery or not. There can be all kinds of circumstances that have an influence on this decision, but in the end, the decision is to do an operation or not. The situation in the illegal war of russia against Ukraine, is actually not very different. Do you want russia to win or not? russia, which started an illegal war in 2014, attacking civilians daily, is performing genocide and an endless list of war crimes. There can be all kinds of considerations and discussions, but in the end this doesn´t matter. The question is just; do we allow russia to win? It is a yes or no question. If we say yes, we can stop pretending we don´t and stop all support for Ukraine. If we say no, we should start by supporting Ukraine much more substantially and giving Ukraine all the support it needs, without holding back, without delays. Then there is also no need to delay membership of NATO because we want Ukraine to win.


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