
  • Baker-Miller Pink, Can Color Change Your Life?

    There are not many colors that have a name attached to them. Baker-Miller-Pink is one of the few (the only other one I can think of is International Klein Blue, but here will be more). This is the story about Baker-Miller-Pink, why jails were painted pink, and the effects of this color on people’s psyche.

  • Why You Sometimes `Fall´ When You Fall Asleep

    The feeling that you literally `fall` asleep just when you start drifting away at the beginning of your sleep, the feeling that you make a misstep while you are laying in bed, this is called sleep twitch or hypnagogic jerk. You might not know this name, but most people do know the feeling! So what is it, and what is the cause of this, sometimes annoying, phenomenon?

  • Your Idea About Science May Be Completely Wrong

    Your idea about science may be completely wrong. If you think that science is about hard facts, irrefutable theories, and strong statements without room for doubt, this article will explain the scientific method and show you that you might have to readjust your ideas.

  • Bella Ciao; Or, How Did An Italian Song End Up In a Spanish Series?

    The life of the Professor revolved around a single idea: Resistance. His grandfather, who had fought against the fascists in Italy, taught him the song and he taught us.

  • A Series About Time: Reality or an Illusion? Part III: Philosophical Point of View

    In philosophy, time was questioned throughout the centuries; what time is and if it is real or not. There are different theories about time and the universe. St. Augustine of Hippo asks himself, `What then is time? If no one asks me, I know: if I wish to explain it to one that asketh, I know not.´ He begins to define time by what it is not rather than what it is. Augustine ends up calling time a `distention´ of the mind by which we simultaneously grasp the past in memory, the present by attention, and the future by expectation.

  • A Series About Time: Reality or an Illusion? Part II: Physicists Point of View

    As an operational definition of time, we use a number of repetitions of a standard cyclical event (the phases of the moon, movement of the sun, radiation cycles of a 133Cs atom). This is very useful, as well as in daily life as in advanced experiments. To describe an event, typically we use location (position in space) and time.

  • A Series About Time: Reality or an Illusion? Part I: History and Culture

    Time maybe not what you think it is. It is called the fourth dimension, but we cannot move in this dimension as we do in the other three. How we view time seems straightforward, minutes make hours, hours make days, days make weeks, weeks make months, and months make years, and so on. But there is only one direction, from present to future. Philosophers and physicists are trying to solve the riddles about time, and I will share some thoughts about time with you.



